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Family Functioning

Strong Relationships –
Strong Families

When we are living in stressful family environments, individuals and families often grapple with challenges such as compromised physical and mental well-being, educational setbacks, and social difficulties. 

By connecting families with evidence-based therapies and counselling programs, along with community-based opportunities for self-development, Carya builds confidence and improves cohesion and functionality, which strengthens the entire family.

Mental Health and Counselling Services

Family FunctioningMental Health and Well-Being

Family Counselling

Brief therapeutic counselling for families with children under 24 years old.

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Family FunctioningMental Health and Well-Being

Functional Family Therapy

FFT addresses challenging family circumstances, involving all family members in sessions.

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Family Functioning

Adoption Kinship Counselling

Adoption Kinship Counselling offers therapeutic support to children and their families…

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Early Childhood Parenting Support

Family Functioning

Families in Community

Formerly known as Bowmont Families Together and Prime Time, Carya’s Families in Community…

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Registered Group Programs for Families

Family FunctioningMental Health and Well-BeingSupports for Older Adults

Summer Workshop Series

Try a taste of Carya this Summer and join one of our summer workshop series.

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Family FunctioningSupports for Older Adults

Relationships with your Adult Children

The Relationships with Your Adult Children program offers support and resources for older adults grappling with relationship issues with their adult children. 

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Family FunctioningSocial Connections

Parent-Child Mother Goose®

Parent-Child Mother Goose® helps strengthen your bond with your children through learning songs, rhymes, and stories that soothe, teach, and play together.

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Family FunctioningSocial Connections

Infant Massage & Songs

Connect with other families as you strengthen the bond between you and your little one. 

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Family FunctioningSocial Connections

Circle of Security

Get Support Circle of Security Circle of Security is a group that helps parents better understand …

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Family FunctioningSocial Connections

LENA Start

Learn how to foster your children’s language development and early literacy skills.

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