Category: Teens and Tweens

Fentanyl: A parental approach

So far in 2015, Fentanyl has been responsible for 145 deaths in Alberta; a sharp and concerning rise from the 120 Fentanyl associated deaths reported in the province for the whole of 2014. Fentanyl is cheap, plentiful on the streets and delivers a powerful high but its strength means that younger ‘experimental’ users and those unused to opiates are most at risk from an overdose. The… Read more »

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Resilience

The incidence of sexual assault among women attending university in Canada is estimated to be as great as 25%.  A recent research study by the New England Journal of Medicine found that first year students completing a 12-hour resistance program reduced the rate of rape by nearly 50%. Something to be celebrated? Certainly. But sexual assault isn’t just something that happens in adulthood. More than 10,000… Read more »