Category: Early Childhood

August is Family Fun Month!

With summer in full swing and children spending more time at home, families and caregivers actively seek enjoyable ways to bond and create lasting memories. August is recognized as Family Fun Month, providing the perfect opportunity to celebrate the joy of togetherness and emphasize the significance of fostering healthy family dynamics. From the way we communicate with each other to the behaviours we exhibit; these dynamics… Read more »

Celebrating the New Village Commons Sue Mallon Reading Nook

carya is proud to announce the official reveal of our Sue Mallon Reading Nook at Village Commons space in East Village. The reading space is in recognition of the dedicated service and leadership of carya‘s long-time former CEO Sue Mallon, and was designed and constructed by Calgary Reads with funding support from the Burns Memorial Fund for Children. Sue Mallon served as carya’s Chief Executive Officer for… Read more »

New Groups, Workshops, and Series at carya this Fall

With the Fall season soon upon us, carya is switching back into high gear with a slate of new and returning groups, workshops and series. Keep an eye on this space, and our events calendar, for updates. Registration information is included at each link.   for families Time to Grow: Shift Happens! This 7-week free workshops series will connect adults in and around the East Village… Read more »

Adoption: A Lifelong Journey

Adoption is a process of give and take. There is incredible joy in the forming of a new family, where new parents can give a child opportunities they might never have had. But alongside that joy comes sorrow and loss. A mother loses the chance to raise her child. A child loses the chance to be raised by his biological parents. Even after the stacks of… Read more »

Reading Can Be a Generational Bridge

Today (November 20th) is National Child Day and this year’s theme celebrates a child’s right to learn.  Reading is a cornerstone of any child’s education and the foundation for a lifetime of learning.  And yet, many children are staring school in Alberta (and Canada) under-prepared for the education system. On Monday, one of Carya’s Elder Service Corps project groups visited Calgary Public Library to read to… Read more »

Alberta Childcare: more than a $15 a day issue

While the campaign trail focusses on the dollar cost of childcare in Canada, early childhood development professionals in Alberta are raising the issues of accessibility and quality of care and how slashing the cost to parents could impact on these areas. Alberta already has the country’s poorest EDI scores – meaning more children are considered under-prepared to start school here than in any other province.  In… Read more »

Don’t let the pigeon do what?

Reading in The Park and the antics of a very cheeky pigeon are proving a big hit in Bowness Park this summer. Every Wednesday families and kids up to the age of 9 gather on blankets in the playground area of the park to read, sing, rhyme and play between 10am and 12noon and it’s totally free to join in. Ready 4 Learning Program Facilitator Chelsea… Read more »

It’ll take a village: changing our approach to Child Development

In a recent UNICEF report ranking child well-being in the 29 richest countries in the world, Canada came in 17th place, far behind countries like The Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.  Not what we would expect from a country with a high standard of living, a healthy GDP and a seemingly forward thinking approach to social care. So what’s gone wrong? The report sparked a number of… Read more »

Ready 4 Learning

Parents are the first – and most important – teachers in their child’s life. That’s why carya is committed to helping parents give their children the tools to succeed in learning and in life. Ready 4 Learning, formerly known as the Bowness Montgomery Early Literacy Project, is a community-based partnership that provides programs and support for families with children from newborn to five years old. We… Read more »