Author: Admin

Strategies for Affair-Proofing Your Relationship

While sites like Friends Reunited, My Space and Facebook have been changing the face if cheating for a decade and a half, the brazen appearance of Ashley Madison in 2001 took online affairs to a whole new level. Suddenly, we weren’t even going to pretend ‘it just sorta happened’. But while the digital realm has become the new home of infidelity, happy ever after can still… Read more »

Alberta Childcare: more than a $15 a day issue

While the campaign trail focusses on the dollar cost of childcare in Canada, early childhood development professionals in Alberta are raising the issues of accessibility and quality of care and how slashing the cost to parents could impact on these areas. Alberta already has the country’s poorest EDI scores – meaning more children are considered under-prepared to start school here than in any other province.  In… Read more »

Fentanyl: A parental approach

So far in 2015, Fentanyl has been responsible for 145 deaths in Alberta; a sharp and concerning rise from the 120 Fentanyl associated deaths reported in the province for the whole of 2014. Fentanyl is cheap, plentiful on the streets and delivers a powerful high but its strength means that younger ‘experimental’ users and those unused to opiates are most at risk from an overdose. The… Read more »

$428 per child: the cost of Back to School

According to a recent survey, the average cost to Canadians to send one child back to school after summer vacation is $428.  Alberta comes in at $431 per child, just above the national average. The cost includes school supplies, clothing, technology and sports equipment.  It doesn’t include the deluge of field trip payments, lunch and bus money which goes hand in hand with the end of… Read more »

Community Kitchens: Where good food makes for good finances.

Demand for emergency food support in Calgary is growing at an alarming rate.  Calgary Food Bank reports a 10% increase in clients year on year.  Social isolation is also on the rise in our city due to immigration, unemployment and an aging population. So, how do we feed our communities physically as well as socially? BowWest Community Resource Centre in the northwest has been running community… Read more »

Don’t let the pigeon do what?

Reading in The Park and the antics of a very cheeky pigeon are proving a big hit in Bowness Park this summer. Every Wednesday families and kids up to the age of 9 gather on blankets in the playground area of the park to read, sing, rhyme and play between 10am and 12noon and it’s totally free to join in. Ready 4 Learning Program Facilitator Chelsea… Read more »

Little Givers, Give a Lot

At Carya, we appreciate every donation.  Because every donation makes a difference in the lives of those we help.  But sometimes we receive a donation that really touches us.  Like last week when we received an email from Kieran Nordbye who wanted to donate his 10th birthday money to an organization which helps families with kids in Calgary. We were so impressed by Kieran’s generosity that… Read more »

It’ll take a village: changing our approach to Child Development

In a recent UNICEF report ranking child well-being in the 29 richest countries in the world, Canada came in 17th place, far behind countries like The Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.  Not what we would expect from a country with a high standard of living, a healthy GDP and a seemingly forward thinking approach to social care. So what’s gone wrong? The report sparked a number of… Read more »

Bread: Rising to the challenge of Community Development

Next week, on Canada Day, the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) will unveil their latest interactive documentary: Bread, at the Sidewalk Citizen Bakery. This exciting, online arts project originated from a Carya Community Development program facilitated by Mariette Sluyter, and has been four years in the making.  We’re incredibly excited and proud to see it come to fruition. Roman Katsnelson, Managing Director of Community and… Read more »