Author: Admin

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016

You know them. They’re your parent, your grandparent, your aunt, your uncle, your neighbor, or your friend. They’re older adults, and they’re becoming an increasingly large part of our population. Globally, the number of people over the age of 60 is expected to more than double, from 542 million in 1995 to about 1.2 billion in 2025. Canada’s fastest growing population is over the age of… Read more »

Act Out! at the 2016 NMT Symposium

For more than ten years, Carya’s Act Out! program has been helping teens and tweens learn how to navigate the difficult situations they face every day. By dramatizing scenarios that they might face in their everyday life, Act Out! has allowed hundreds of young people to find their voice, develop empathy and become comfortable in their own skin. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to speak… Read more »

Five Reasons to Spring in to Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning – something everyone looks forward to. Or at least looks forward to finishing. Aside from a clean home, there are numerous benefits to setting time aside to complete the task of spring cleaning. Today, we’ll look at five of those benefits as well as how spring cleaning became something that happens (or should happen) every year. Back in the past, people kept their houses shut tight during… Read more »

Lace Up for Carya in the 2016 Calgary Marathon

Carya is pleased to be one of the charities involved in the 2016 Scotiabank Calgary Marathon! The annual marathon, which is being held on May 29, sees more than 12,000 participants run and walk 5km, 10 km, half marathon and full marathon races. There is even a special race program just for kids! The event typically raises over one million dollars for various Calgary and area charities…. Read more »

Supporting Somali Communities in Calgary

Carya recently launched a new Community Development project with Calgary’s Somali people, a community which came to Canada fleeing civil war in the mid-nineties. Calgary is home to more than 4,500 Somalis, many of whom reside in the communities of Radisson, Killarney, Beltline and Forest Lawn.  39% of Somalis living in Calgary are under the age of 18 and 22% of families are single parent families…. Read more »

Leap Ahead! 10 ways to make the most of an extra day

Today is Leap Day, a day that comes just once every four years, during Leap Year. Leap Year is a result of the time it takes the Earth to orbit around the sun, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds.There’s a bit of slip time that happens (where we lose time), so scientists figured out that some changes would have to be made to the… Read more »

Neglect in a digital era

Around a dining table, a family are about to eat.  They don’t speak to one another, their eyes are fixed on various handheld devices which chirp and vibrate at regular intervals. They consider themselves to be a regular family with a peaceful home. Let’s look a little closer. Chloe is twelve and she’s becoming increasingly dependent on Instagram likes to feel good about herself.  She’s being… Read more »

Got Sleepy Teens?

If your sparky, full of energy kids have suddenly started to drag their feet around the house and are barely able to articulate a sentence before midday, don’t despair, it’s perfectly normal.  In fact the leap into adolescence is accompanied by a re-calibration of something called Circadian Rhythms…which can make said ‘leap’ more like a slow shuffle and a yawn. So, what’s a Circadian Rhythm?  Well,… Read more »

Risky Business: The neuroscience behind teens’ dubious choices

From cautious and careful to reckless and un-restrained; a new disregard for rules, regulation and boundaries means your teenager has truly arrived.  In fact, teenagers have double the risk of dying compared to their pre-teen selves. But why has the child who used to reach for your hand to cross the street become so careless, impulsive and thoughtless when it comes to choices affecting their safety… Read more »