Author: Admin

Calgary Herald Christmas Fund Makes a Difference

With the season of goodwill in full swing, the Carya team has been fortunate to receive funding from the Calgary Herald’s Christmas Fund. The funding will provide our Elder Abuse Response Team with an additional social worker to ensure Calgary’s vulnerable and at risk older adults are given the support they need. It’s estimated that one in five seniors is living with an abusive situation;  imagine… Read more »

Their Crisis; Our Concern

Stories of the Syrian refugee crisis reach us via television, radio, newspaper and social media every day.  But it’s important to remember that they’re more than just stories; these are real lives and real families who need real help. Carya’s Urgent Family Care team has been providing crisis support to Calgary’s most vulnerable families for eight years; these include refugees and recent immigrants with no social… Read more »

Introducing Bri Ketler: The ART of the Matter

When Calgary-based artist Bri Ketler was in junior high, bullying led her to her school’s art room and she never looked back. Now the 36 year old is channeling both her passion and her past by using art therapy to help girls in grades 7 to 9 to overcome their own issues and challenges. Bri works with girls in Carya’s in-school program, Starburst, and talks to… Read more »

Connecting with Our Community

As part of Carya’s Christmas giving campaign, we’re going to be out in the community talking about our work and asking Calgarians to donate this holiday season. It’s an opportunity for our staff to connect with the Calgary community and for the community to see those who make our work possible. Yesterday we spent the day at The Core Shopping Center, giving away gingerbread cookies which… Read more »

Reading Can Be a Generational Bridge

Today (November 20th) is National Child Day and this year’s theme celebrates a child’s right to learn.  Reading is a cornerstone of any child’s education and the foundation for a lifetime of learning.  And yet, many children are staring school in Alberta (and Canada) under-prepared for the education system. On Monday, one of Carya’s Elder Service Corps project groups visited Calgary Public Library to read to… Read more »

Why Our Girls Need to Lead

Women hold only 15% of leadership positions within Fortune 500 companies and yet they constitute 48% of the Canadian workforce. So why are our girls not raising through the ranks in the same way their male counterparts do? At the end of November, Calgary will welcome the Born 2 Lead youth leadership conference along with the Women in Leadership and Business Conference.  Also hosted in Ontario… Read more »

Tongue Tied or Troubled?

Research suggests that, during the teenage years, language goes a little off-line and vocabulary can shrink from 40,000 words to as little as 8,000 words. So parents could find their children go from being chatty and engaged to silent, repetitive and brief in their responses.  And that’s a perfectly normal part of the development of the teenage brain. But when verbal communication dries up, how do… Read more »

Teenage Rejection: It’s Biologically Scripted.

In the early adolescent years many parents are left hurt and confused by their offspring’s sudden rejection of their love and affection.  Teenagers can appear to go from doting to disliking overnight leading to hurt feelings and conflict. But parents need to realize that this sudden shift in attachment is biologically scripted and should even be cause for celebration as our teens begin to strike out… Read more »

FOMO: Why Social Media Could Be Bad for Your Teen’s Health

A recent survey found that 39% of Canada’s teens sleep with their cellphone.  It seems FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is so prevalent in adolescents that not even sleep is off limits when it comes to staying connected and accessing their social networks. But FOMO is also a serious form of social anxiety which we’re all prone to experiencing.  A recent study from the University of… Read more »