Category: Uncategorized

12 Days of carya Featuring EFW Radiology

  12 Days of carya is here! from December 1st through 16th, we will be celebrating our supporters who have chosen to make an investment in carya’s essential services. EFW Radiology has helped countless Calgarians that have sought support with mental, physical, emotional, and financial well-being by generously funding carya initiatives. This month, carya and EFW Radiology are celebrating a 10-year partnership that has directly impacted… Read more »

Supporting Dads on Father’s Day and Beyond

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and Sunday is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the dads in our lives. If you’re a father yourself, Father’s Day is a great chance to spend some quality time with your family and reflect on all of the joys that fatherhood can bring. But being a father isn’t always easy, and there are unique challenges that come along with… Read more »

Five Reasons to Spring in to Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning – something everyone looks forward to. Or at least looks forward to finishing. Aside from a clean home, there are numerous benefits to setting time aside to complete the task of spring cleaning. Today, we’ll look at five of those benefits as well as how spring cleaning became something that happens (or should happen) every year. Back in the past, people kept their houses shut tight during… Read more »

Leap Ahead! 10 ways to make the most of an extra day

Today is Leap Day, a day that comes just once every four years, during Leap Year. Leap Year is a result of the time it takes the Earth to orbit around the sun, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds.There’s a bit of slip time that happens (where we lose time), so scientists figured out that some changes would have to be made to the… Read more »

Tongue Tied or Troubled?

Research suggests that, during the teenage years, language goes a little off-line and vocabulary can shrink from 40,000 words to as little as 8,000 words. So parents could find their children go from being chatty and engaged to silent, repetitive and brief in their responses.  And that’s a perfectly normal part of the development of the teenage brain. But when verbal communication dries up, how do… Read more »

FOMO: Why Social Media Could Be Bad for Your Teen’s Health

A recent survey found that 39% of Canada’s teens sleep with their cellphone.  It seems FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is so prevalent in adolescents that not even sleep is off limits when it comes to staying connected and accessing their social networks. But FOMO is also a serious form of social anxiety which we’re all prone to experiencing.  A recent study from the University of… Read more »

Strategies for Affair-Proofing Your Relationship

While sites like Friends Reunited, My Space and Facebook have been changing the face if cheating for a decade and a half, the brazen appearance of Ashley Madison in 2001 took online affairs to a whole new level. Suddenly, we weren’t even going to pretend ‘it just sorta happened’. But while the digital realm has become the new home of infidelity, happy ever after can still… Read more »

$428 per child: the cost of Back to School

According to a recent survey, the average cost to Canadians to send one child back to school after summer vacation is $428.  Alberta comes in at $431 per child, just above the national average. The cost includes school supplies, clothing, technology and sports equipment.  It doesn’t include the deluge of field trip payments, lunch and bus money which goes hand in hand with the end of… Read more »

The 2014 McKillop Awards

The McKillop Awards are presented annually to non-profit human services employees exemplifying the qualities of the founders of Calgary Family Services Society. David and Ethel McKillop played a crucial and influential role in building and sustaining the human services sector in early Calgary. The McKillop Awards recognize the vital and enduring role of not-for-profit staff throughout Calgary in building a creative, sustainable and ethical response to… Read more »