Author: Admin

August is Family Fun Month!

With summer in full swing and children spending more time at home, families and caregivers actively seek enjoyable ways to bond and create lasting memories. August is recognized as Family Fun Month, providing the perfect opportunity to celebrate the joy of togetherness and emphasize the significance of fostering healthy family dynamics. From the way we communicate with each other to the behaviours we exhibit; these dynamics… Read more »

Connections Matter

Connections matter. They matter a lot. Whether it’s a warm conversation with a trusted friend, shared laughter at a community event, or the kindness of a stranger – these moments contribute to our well-being and sense of belonging. In a world that thrives off connectivity, it may come as a surprise that social isolation continues to be a significant challenge, affecting people of all ages and… Read more »

Beth’s Story – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023

Picture yourself as a senior. Despite being widowed, you have grown children, you are living independently and embracing a fulfilling social life. Unfortunately, the pandemic caused you to lose many of your social connections. During this trying time, your daughter has been helping you with your banking and bill payments, but you discover that she has been taking large amounts of money without your permission for… Read more »

Seniors’ Week 2023: Aging is More!

Recognized annually across Alberta, Seniors’ Week takes place June 5 – 11, 2023. Seniors’ Week is not only a time for expressing gratitude for the countless contributions older adults have made to our communities but also an opportunity to celebrate and recognize their unyielding strength and significance. This year, we are reminded that aging is more! We look forward to celebrating all that aging brings and… Read more »

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week is an annual event that celebrates the impact of volunteerism in building and strengthening communities. The 2023 theme of “Volunteering Weaves Us Together” emphasizes the interconnected actions that support one another. At carya, we understand the importance of community and collaboration. As a social impact agency, we are dedicated to promoting personal growth, building healthy relationships, and fostering community connections. We understand the… Read more »

carya Celebrates Social Prescribing Day on March 9th

  Social prescribing is an innovative approach to healthcare that aims to address the root causes of health concerns by connecting patients with non-medical resources in their communities. In Alberta, social prescribing has been gaining momentum as a way to improve health outcomes, particularly for those experiencing social isolation. As a social impact agency, carya understand the importance and impact of social prescribing in our community… Read more »

February is Psychology Month!

Psychology is defined as the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. Like a medical doctor, individuals and families may seek the expertise and guidance of a registered psychologist or other clinicians over their l­­ife-time to support their overall well-being. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being in the community of Calgary. Now more… Read more »

Mental Health Matters. A message from our CEO

As a born and raised Calgarian who has spent the last twenty years working in the social impact sector, I can say without a doubt, that mental health matters.   The mental well-being of individuals in our neighbourhoods impacts the fibres of our community. It is essential to create the vibrant and thriving city that we all wish to call home.    Now more than ever, Calgarians are… Read more »